sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009

Just some thoughts

I had a look at the hull this morning. Everything fine. Its almost in perfect shape. It is not as flatbottomed as the plan say and this you can see when you fit in the molds. There are 1 - 1,5 cm gap below. Nothing serious.
I have a feeling (I´m quite sure) that planks number 2 are a bit to straight. I wasnt really sure which angle they should be when I glued the two halfes together. I decided to look along the plank to find a fit without sudden changes in the curve. Maybe I should have left them a little bit more curved.

Its tecnically a better idea to join two plywood plates and cut the planks in one go, but it means having to cut almost 5 meters of planks. In order to do that you need lots of space and a lot of tables

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